Google Analytics Importance in SEO

January 18, 2012
For many years, I have met with businesses and reviewed their websites. Almost 90% of them have yet to know what client or who visits their website. Why build a face of their business online when they do not even care to know about their customers and where they are coming form. Do they even […]

Fruits Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts

April 18, 2011
I went for lunch the other day at a sandwich place called Healthy Choices near Tinseltown Vancouver, BC. Inside their store was a very interesting bulletin board with health conscious facts about fruits. I hope you enjoy this tidbit of nutritional benefit & facts about fruits as much as I did.

Anney Ha

February 13, 2011
Welcome to my blog. This website is currently under construction please come back shortly for more updates. Thank you. Anney Ha is a professional Internet Marketing Consultant, Search Engine Marketing Specialist (SEM),  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist, experienced Project Manager, and SEO Web Designer located in Vancouver, BC Canada. She provides website marketing suggestions for many […]