SEO Strategy: Should I Write New Posts on the Same Topics or Update the Ones I Already Have?

Creating fresh, engaging content is essential for brands to stay relevant and attract new readers (that might become leads or clients). However, it can be challenging to come up with new topics to write about without repeating yourself. One solution to this problem is to update your existing blog posts instead of starting from scratch. Especially those ones that are on Google’s first pages.

By doing this, you can keep your content up-to-date, improve its SEO value, and attract more traffic to your site. In this post, we’ll explore some tips on how you can update your relevant blog posts without having to write on the same topics over and over.

SEO Strategy: How to Update Blog Posts

1. Change Headlines

The headlines and meta descriptions of your blog posts are essential elements for SEO. By updating them, you can give your content a new lease of life and attract more readers to your site. Make sure your headlines and meta descriptions are relevant, catchy, and informative, and use keywords that your target audience is searching for.

2. Add New Information and Statistics

Look for the latest research, studies, or industry news that you can incorporate into your existing posts. You can also add new examples, case studies, or quotes to support your points and make your content more compelling.

3. Add Internal and External Links

Adding internal and external links to your blog posts is an effective way to improve their SEO value and provide your readers with additional resources to explore. Internal links connect your blog posts to other relevant content on your site (thus, making readers stay on your page for longer), while external links point to reputable sources that support your arguments or provide additional information.

If you’re not familiarized with the link-building strategy, we’ve talked a little bit about it in here.

Update Your Design

Visuals are an essential element of blog posts as they make your content more engaging and easier to read. By updating your layouts and other elements, such as images, graphics, or videos, you can improve your post’s visual appeal and make it more shareable on social media. Make sure your visuals are high-quality and relevant to your topic and optimize them for faster loading times.

Should I Update the Date as Well?

When updating a blog post, you may wonder whether to update the posting date as well. The answer is, it depends on the nature and extent of the updates you make to the post. If you’re making minor updates such as correcting typos, updating links, or fixing formatting issues, it’s generally not necessary to change the posting date.

However, if you’re making significant changes such as adding new information, expanding on existing content, or changing the post’s focus, it may be appropriate to do so. This can signal to readers and search engines that the post has been updated and is more current and relevant.

Updating the posting date can also help you boost your SEO strategy, as search engines tend to favor fresh, up-to-date content. When Google crawls your site and sees that you’ve recently updated a post, it may give it a freshness boost, which can help it rank higher in search results. This is particularly true if you’re in a fast-changing industry where information becomes quickly outdated.

However, it’s important to use your judgment when updating the posting date. If you’re making small changes frequently just to manipulate search engines, it can be seen as spammy and harm your SEO efforts.

SEO Strategy in Vancouver

If you would like to better understand SEO and content ranking but you are not always able to keep up to date with all Google parameters, please contact us. We can help you with your content strategy to keep your website up-to-date and, therefore, capable of attracting new leads and customers. To get in touch, click here.