Working with SEO strategy in 2022 will remain as or even more important than it ever was. After all, Google remains the biggest source of traffic on the planet, without slowing down. On the contrary: to give you an idea, in year 2014 Google registered about 100 billion monthly searches. 7 years later, the number has already doubled and continues to grow consistently.
When thinking about new communication strategies, it's common to wonder which is better: Vancouver SEO or Inbound Marketing. There is no single answer, as everything will depend on your customer. In order to know exactly what is best in each case, it is important to know the particularities and results of each method. That's what we are talking about today in this article.
Knowing the SEO algorithm and being aware of its updates are basic principles for those who want to place themselves on the first pages of Google. The so-called ranking factors are varied, but there are some more important ones – and it is on them that your attention should be directed to achieve the desired results.
Imagine that you put together a digital marketing strategy including SEO and relevant keywords to your segment and created a website for your company. And from there, you started to feed it with quality content, following the strategy plans. At first, the results were promising, but, over time, the data showed that accesses and/or engagement dropped. And now? What can be done to reverse this situation? Even more important: what were the causes for this drop in page performance?
If you are starting a new business or a similar venture, building a brand is one of the most important steps to take. And one of the challenges in this process is to create a website and optimize it. You know that organic traffic, from good positioning on search engine results pages, is important. But how to do SEO for new, recently launched websites that do not have any domain authority?