Google Search Console: understand what it is and how to use it on your site

Many companies that wish to increase their sales on the internet create an institutional website to achieve their goals. However, having a website is not an automatic guarantee of results. You need to monitor your domain in detail to find the perfect strategy.

For that, there are tools to help in the monitoring and visibility of a website on the internet, and one of the most used is Google Search Console. Google Search Console is a platform used to help verify and index a website on Google correctly. This platform is free and has comprehensive tools that allow use by any user.

How does Google Search Console work?

There are several metrics used by Search Console to analyze a website. These include:

  • Search appearance: also known as search appearance, it is a metric used by Google to analyze all images, titles and descriptions on the page;
  • Search traffic: used to find out what people are looking for in the search engine that lead them to click on the site;
  • Google Index: a metric that evaluates Google’s performance in indexing pages and identifying the keywords that appear most frequently;
  • Security issues: security issues are detected and reported by Search Console on the website.

With these features, Google Search Console is able to report various types of possible improvements to the site, such as:

  • Increase the speed of loading pages;
  • Understand the origin of all your traffic;
  • Identification and correction of possible HTML defects;
  • Suggests better strategies for backlinks;
  • Suggests expanding internal links;
  • Improves the ranking of pages through important changes in the site’s SEO.

All types of sites can be checked by Search Console, whether from an industry, a sales portal, or even from a dentist or doctor’s page.

How to use it on your website

To use this platform, it is necessary to enter the Search Console website and log in with your Google account. This login is the same one already used in other Google tools, such as Adwords and Analytics. Follow the instructions on the website and add your website address as your property. The platform will provide you with a tag to be implemented on your page – it is through it that all the checks mentioned in the topic above will be made. Follow the instructions on the platform. Once this is done, Search Console will begin to index your site. This may take a few days.

Correct the errors!

Google Search Console reports are very useful and will show you, in a practical way, what are the problems that your site faces, as well as changes that you need to make. But what is the use of having all this clarity about what is wrong and not acting quickly to correct the flaws?

Contact A Vancouver SEO Professional Today!

It may seem too obvious, but the first thing that must be done after finding relevant data on the platform is to work on it, either to solve a problem or replicate what works in other projects. And, of course, if you have questions or need help with your content, website and SEO, contact us.